
有这样一个人陪你吃饭逛街陪你聊天谈心在你开心的时候与你分享喜悦在你难过的时候助你走出心结跟Ta你可以无话不谈不化妆也可以约这个人就是你的闺蜜那么“闺蜜”用英语怎么说呢?1. best friend foreverbest friend forever(BFF)是个很经典的表达,字面意思是永远的好朋友,一辈子的好朋友。例:Although we fight we bicker, delight or even anger, you are my best friend forever.吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我的最好的死党。2. ✅ bosom friend:闺蜜✅ bestie:闺蜜✅ buddy:亲如兄弟的朋友✅ sidekick:非常忠实的朋友,每当你需要的时候,他们总会在你身边帮忙。这几个词更能比BFF更能表达闺蜜之前的亲密感和知心程度。例:A bosom friend is one to whom you could tell all your secrets. 亲密的朋友就是你能将秘密告诉他的人。Bestie, in fact, is another own. 闺蜜,其实就是另一个自己。3. 男女通用的“死党”partner in crime:死党partner in crime字面意思是犯罪团伙,但实际上他是个俚语,表达你愿意和另外一个人去破坏规则、干点坏事儿、整点恶作剧,彼此非常信任。例:We always get in trouble together ! You're my partner in crime!我们经常同甘共苦,你真是我的死党!4. 发小childhood friend:发小发小是那种从小到大都在一起玩的朋友,通常在一起超过十年或者二十年,发小之间的感情,友谊会非常深厚。例:I have a childhood friend who keep in touch with me till now. 我有一个发小到现在还在跟我联系。5. 知己confidante:知己intimate friend:知心朋友知己,知心朋友,也可以理解为闺蜜,最好的朋友。例:I don’t have many confidantes,only several one.But every time they will be my side when I was in trouble.我的知心朋友不多,就那么一两个,但每次我有困难他们都会在我身边。6. 男闺蜜close guy friend:男闺蜜男闺蜜,文艺一点的说法就是蓝颜知己。Today, my close guy friend sets me up on a blind date. 今天我的男闺蜜给我安排了一场相亲。或者:✅男闺蜜 Bromeo ✅女闺蜜 ladybro✅bro(brother的缩写)兄弟✅pal( 口语用词)十分要好的朋友例:He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个好友。Can you introduce your old pal to us? 你能将你的老友介绍给我们吗?7. 酒肉朋友fair-weather friend:酒肉朋友flaky friend:不靠谱的朋友Between the good friend has the true friendship, between the fair-weather friend does not have the true friendship. 好朋友之间存在真正的友谊,酒肉朋友之间则不存在真正的友谊。She was a fair-weather friend because she was interested in me once I had lost my job. 她是一个不能共患难的朋友,一旦我失去了工作,她就对我不感兴趣了。8. 泛泛之交acquaintance:泛泛之交这类朋友通常只知道对方名字,路上看到了会点头微笑,并没有深入了解,类似于朋友圈的“点赞之交”。例:He just is one of acquaintance for me,I only know his name.他只是我认识的一个人,除了他的名字我对他一无所知。9. 塑料姐妹花有种友谊表面看起来很坚固,实际上都各为自己做打算。这种友谊经不起风浪,也就是我们口中常说的"塑料姐妹花"。toxic friend:塑料姐妹花(有毒的朋友)frenemy:塑料姐妹花(假装是朋友,实际是敌人,是friend(朋友)和enemy(敌人)的合成词,完美诠释了亦敌亦友的关系)If your best friend steals your boyfriend of three years,she was a frenemy all along.如果你最好的朋友偷走你谈了三年的男朋友,你们其实一直只是“塑料姐妹花”而已。10. 好基友homie/homeboy:基友这个词的意味也在淡化,可能为了表示亲近也会在关系一般的人身上使用。例:My homies will never do such things.我的基友们绝不会做这种事。bromance:基情这个词是brother跟romance的合体,兄弟间那种“浪漫”之情可不就是基情。例:Tom and Jerry spend a lot of time together.They're having quite the bromance.汤姆和杰瑞天天在一起,真基情啊。歪果仁有这样一个表达:“fast friends”你会不会想到“fast food”快餐,然后就以为他说你俩是快餐式友谊吧!那估计以后你再不会有外国友人了!Fast friends≠快餐式友谊Fast除了快,还有另外的意思哦~Fast=稳固的Fast friends=忠诚可靠的好盆友(友谊很牢靠)所以歪果仁对你说fast friend,其实人家是在说你们是好朋友拉~例:We had been fast friends since college.我俩在大学就是对方的可靠好友了。闺蜜之间的关系当然是男朋友,同学之间不能比的,如果想要表示和闺蜜两人很亲近,英文还可以这样说:✅Be on good terms跟某人关系不错,相处融洽,可以用到上面这个短语。除此之外,和term有关的其他短语也可表示人与人的关系,比如:on bad terms (关系不好);on speaking terms(泛泛之交)。例:He was on good terms with his ex-wife.他和他前妻关系不错。 ✅Get along famously (with sb)大家都熟悉get along with sb这个短语,加了famously并不是指结交了某个名人,而是指相处得极好。例:They've always gotten along famously together. 他们总是相处得很好。 ✅(As) thick as thieves形容两人如贼一般关系深厚,说明这两个人无话不说。例:I'm sure she tells Ruth everything we say - they're as thick as thieves, those two.我敢肯定咱们说了什么她都告诉露丝了——她俩好得不得了,那俩人。✅Go back a long way 从字面上看这个短语说的是往回走很远,它意指两人在很久以前就相识了。例:Justin and I go back a long way – we were at college together.贾斯丁和我很久前就认识了,我们上大学时就在一块儿。除了开心的陪伴以外,其实有时候也会跟闺蜜闹别扭的,那么“闹别扭”应该怎样用英语表达呢?“闹别扭” 你要说这是quarrel(吵架)吧,好像也没那么严重,都是小事,就是有点不开心。对于歪果仁,他们表达“闹别扭”这种小情绪则会用 on the outs例:He is always on the outs with others.他总是和别人闹别扭。Why are you two on the outs?你俩为啥闹别扭了?He is on the outs with his family because of his relationship with that woman.他因为和那女人恋爱,正和家里闹别扭。当然啦,我和我的闺蜜,除了彼此以外还是有自己的男朋友的,那闺蜜结婚我必须得随份子钱吧,这个“随份子钱”应该怎么说呢?"参加婚礼"不能说join a wedding为什么?join其实不应翻译为"参加"它表示:加入......的名单/行列,成为其中一员比如:join a meeting 成为会议中的一员join a party 成为派对的一员,你也是会议/party的主体~所以,如果说join a wedding,你就成了婚礼的一员,婚礼成了你的,(可是婚礼是新郎新娘的,你只是出席见证)那"参加婚礼"怎么说?↓attend a weddingattend表示:出席/参加(正式活动)例:When would you attend your confidante's wedding?你几点去参加你闺蜜的婚礼?更口语化表达↓go to a wedding例句:I'll go to my bestie's wedding today.今天我要参加闺蜜的婚礼。那么,"我正在参加婚礼"怎么说?中式英语↓I'm attending a wedding now.I'm going to a wedding now.(语法上没错,但老外不这么说~)地道表达↓I'm at a wedding now.at表示:处于......活动/状态中中国人参加婚礼给钱叫"随份子",但老外参加婚礼,通常是送礼物叫wedding gift,也有人用现金做礼物,也就是我们说的"份子钱"。那"份子钱"怎么说?↓money as a wedding giftcash as a wedding gift例:I hope I get a lot of cash as wedding gifts.我希望收到许多份子钱。PS:在国外给新人现金,一定要有张卡片,写上你的名字和祝福语~"随份子"怎么说?↓give money/cash as a wedding gift(随份子就是给钱嘛,简单粗暴翻译)例:How much money are you giving as a wedding gift?你打算给多少份子钱?婚礼相关的其他表达best man 伴郎 maid of honor 伴娘 wedding invitation 请柬 1.他是我哥们。He's my buddy.2.她是我闺蜜。She's my bestie.3.我们是最好的朋友。We are BFFs. (BFF= best friend forever)4.我们是好兄弟。We're buds./We're brothers. (buddy=bud)5.我俩关系挺好的。We're pretty close.6.我俩交情特别深。We go way back.7.他跟我关系蛮铁的。He and I are pretty tight.8.我俩是发小。We grew up together.9.我们无话不谈。We talk about everything.10.我们认识很久了。We've known each other for a very long time.除了各种关于“闺蜜”,“死党”的英语表达外,朋友圈也是联系好友不可缺少的东西,那么朋友圈用英语中怎么说呢?该不会是friend zone吧!错!大家还记得以前移动的“动感地带”吗?地带就是那个“zone”,可是friend zone中的“zone"可不是朋友圈的意思哦。看看下面这个例子吧~例:Boy: How would you react if I said I like you?男:我要说我喜欢你你会是什么反应?Girl: Thanks,you're a great friend.女:哦谢谢,你做朋友还挺好的。——The boy is in the friend zone.这小男孩被发好人卡了。(悲伤)看吧,英语中说 in the friend zone 是说你倾慕一个人,她却只把你划分在朋友的区域里,然后你就被发好人卡了,并不是我们以为的微信朋友圈。其实,微信中的朋友圈是moments就是你记录下的生活的瞬间,然后分享给自己的朋友。例:Everyone who has a smart phone usually goes through their moments a few times every day. 每一个有智能机的人每天都会刷自己的朋友圈很多次。 1. application 应用软件,简写 App 例:One of my favorite applications is Amazon and I could shop online anytime I want. 我最爱的应用是亚马逊,我能用它随时网上购物。2. download 下载例:I enjoy downloading all kinds of apps to live a better life.我喜欢下载我需要的各种手机软件来改善生活品质。3. log in/off 登陆/退出例:Before you log in Wechat, make sure your phone can connect with internet to chat with your friends. 在你登陆微信之前,确保你的手机能够连上网以便于和你的朋友们聊天交流。 4. comment 发表意见,评论例:I don't want any comments about my new haircut, thank you!我不想听到谁对我新剪的头发说三道四,谢谢各位了!Celebrities often comment on Twitter and share their ideas and thoughts with their followers. 明星们经常在推特上发表意见和自己的粉丝们分享观点和想法。5. repost 转发 例:Many of her followers reposted her comments on the latest comedy movie.她的很多粉丝转发了她最新的一部喜剧电影的评论。6. friend request 好友申请例:My dad sent me a friend request on Wechat, but I turned him down because there are so many crazy pictures on it.我老爸在微信上申请加我为好友,但是拒绝了因为我脸书上有很多疯狂的照片。 7. add 添加好友例:Jack added Mary on Wechat yesterday, but still got no reply at all. Jack昨天加Mary的微信好友,但是她一直没有回复。8. 二维码我们通常彼此加好友的方式,要么通过手机号搜索添加,要么通过扫描二维码添加,那二维码是“QR code”。例:Let me scan you( your QR code).我扫一下你的二维码吧!9. 发个表情接受(accept)了好友请求之后,为了方便记忆我们都会改一下备注名(alias),接下来我们就可以和好友聊天啦!在这个表情包横行霸道的时代当然要发一个表情啦,发个表情就是“Send a sticker ”。例:She sent a sticker to comment the photo.她发了一个表情来评论这张照片。10. 拉黑有时候又会有些不认识的人加你好友,还老是发各种广告,这时候你可能会拉黑他,拉黑即“block somebody”。例:I had no choice but to block her.没辙,我只能拉黑她。11. 点赞点赞有两种表达,分别是“give ... a like / thumb-up”例:I"ll give that a like.我要去给那点个赞。I'll give him a thumb-up.我要给他点个赞。

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